

CLion is still miles ahead of Netbeans when it comes to developing desktop applications using C or C or even designing and implementing algorithms so this is essentially the benefit I get from it. Review collected by and hosted on How to Install and Setup CLion For C/C Programming. Several C/C integrated development environments, such as CLion, VS Code, Codeblocks, etc, are available on the internet. But, if you are someone who loves to use JetBrains products, then CLion is for you. It is an IDE developed by JetBrains to run C/C programs.

  1. What flag do I have to set in CLion's CMake window to compile my C11 code? C c11 cmake clion. Follow edited Oct 13 '14 at 12:56.
  2. Run CLion, make sure that configured WSL distribution is running and can be accessed via ssh. Check the detailed blog post about WSL support in CLion. Configure the WSL toolchain in Build, Execution, Deployment Toolchains in CLion.

Download/Install/Test the CLion IDE

CLion is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) that uses the Clang C++ compiler to develop/test C++ programs. It occupies about .6 GB on disk.

Before installing CLion in this handout, you should have already downloaded and installed the Clang C++ compiler (if you haven't, go back and do so).

You may want to print these instructions before proceeding, so that you can refer to them while downloading and installing CLion. Or, just keep this document in your browser. You should read each step completely, before performing the action that it describes.

This document shows the installation of CLion version 2016.2.2; I installed this version originally, but I am now using verson 2016.3.1. You should install the latest version to be compatible with how CLion is used in this document.

JetBrain's CLion:

Section 0) Registering For a Free Copy of CLion

In this section you will register for a free copy of CLion online.

  1. Click Student License.

    When run, the following JetBrains Products for Learning screen should appear. Fill it in as shown, but with your Name and Email address (not mine).

    Click the APPLY FOR FREE PRODUCTS button.

    The following screen may appear.

    If it appears, click the checkbox.

    A Thank You! screen will appear, indicating that Jet Brains is sending you a Confirm Request email.

  2. You should receive an email from JetBrains (likely within 5-10 minues) containing the following text:

    You've received this email because your email address was
    used for registering/updating a JetBrains Educational Pack.

    Please follow this link to confirm your intention:

    Confirm Request

    Yours truly,
    JetBrains Team
    The Drive to Develop

  3. Click the Confirm Request link. A Congrats! You've been approved! screen will appear, indicating that Jet Brains is sending you an Activate Educational License email.
  4. You should receive an email from JetBrains (likely within 5-10 minues) containing the following text:
    Dear <Your first name>

    Congratulations! Your JetBrains Student License is confirmed.

    To activate your license, use the following link:
    Activate Educational License

    After accepting the License Agreement, you will be asked
    to sign up for a Student JetBrains Account. You will use
    this account to sign in to JetBrains product(s) whenever
    you use them.

    Happy coding!

    Yours truly,
    JetBrains Sales Team

  5. Click the Activate Educational License link. A TOOLBOX SUBSCRIPTION LICENSE AGREEMENT FOR EDUCATION screen will appear.
  6. Click the I Accept button.

    The following JetBrains Products for Learning screen should appear.

  7. Enter your User Name and Password (and Repeat Password), click the I have read... checkbox, and click the Submit button. Write this information in a location for future reference.

    The following JetBrains Product Pack for Students screen should appear (I have blacked-out my License ID).

    Write down the License ID for future reference.

  8. Note that anyone (even without a university email address) can download a Free 30 Day Trial version of CLion.

Section 1) Downloading/Installing CLion

In this section you will download and begin installing CLion for use with the Clang C++ compiler.

  1. Click CLion.

    When run, the following Download CLion screen should appear (ensure the Oval surrounds the operating system you are on).

    Click the Download button to download the executable file named CLion-2016.2.2.dmg, which when run will install the 64-bit version of CLion. Its icon will appear on your screen as follows.

    Save this file for future use, in case you need to reinstall it (or just leave it in the downloads folder).

  2. Double-click the CLion-2016.2.2.dmg file.

    When run, the following CLion pop-up window should appear on your screen.

  3. Drag the CL icon on the right into the Application window on the right.

    When run, the following Copy pop-up window should appear on your screen.

    In a few seconds, the progress bar should complete and the window should disappear Terminate the CLion window that remains.

  4. Use the finder to go to the Applications window, and drag the entry on the Dock (the bar of icons that sits at the bottom or side of your screen). Doing so provides easy access to the CLion application.

Section 2) Initializing/Testing CLion with Clang C++

In this section you will finish installing CLion and then create, build, and run a trivial CLion project/program (including editing it and seeing how syntax errors are reported). It will also discuss some useful features in the CLion IDE.

  1. Click the CLion icon on the Dock.

    The following pop-up window should appear on your screen.

  2. Click the Open button. The following Complete Installation pop-up window should appear on your screen.
  3. Click the OK button.

    The following CLion Privacy Policy Agreement pop-up window should appear on your screen.

  4. Click the Accept button on this window.

    The following CLion License Activation pop-up window should appear on your screen.

  5. Enter your Username or email and Password, and then click Activate button.

    The following Customize CLion UI Themes pop-up window should appear on your screen.

    Ensure the Default radio button is pressed.

  6. Click the Next: Toolchains button on this window.

    The following Customize CLion pop-up window should appear on your screen.

  7. Click the Next: Default plugins button on this window.

    The following Customize CLion pop-up window should appear on your screen.

  8. Click the Next: Featured plugins button on this window.

    The following Customize CLion pop-up window should appear on your screen.

  9. Click the Start using CLion button on this window.

    The following splash should appear on your screen.

    Eventually CLion loads and the following Welcome to CLion pop-up window should appear on your screen (updated to the version you downloaded; this screen appears only the first time you start CLion).

  10. Click the New Project button on this window.

    The following New Project pop-up window should appear on your screen.

    In the Location textbox, at the end of the path, replace untititled with trivialtest; leave the C++ Executable and C++11 selected.

  11. Click the OK button on this window.

    If a Tip of the Day pop-up window appears, click it Close button.

    The following CLion project window should appear on your screen.

    Note that the right pane lists the tabs CMakeLists.txt (which contains the project's make code) and main.cpp (which is shown and contains a trivial C++ program).

    In this window, I right-clicked in the gray area between the project and the driver.cpp panes and selected Show Line Numbers.

    It useful to click the triangle to the left of trivialtest in the Project/left pane.

    Every project will contain a cmake-build-debug folder, which will ultimately contain the compiled code (executable) for the project. Later, we will see how to put data files in that folder; the executable uses that folder by default for reading/writing files.

  12. Click the (Build icon) on this window.

    The following CLion project window should appear on your screen.

    The results of the build appear in the Message Build pane. This trivialtest C++ program has now been compiled and linked successfully; either could have dispayed errors in the Message Build pane, which would have to be corrected before the program could be run.

  13. Click the (Run icon) on this window.

    The following Edit Configuration pop-up window should appear on your screen.

    For the Target dropdown, select trivialtest as shown. The Executable dropdown will change to trivialtest automatically.

  14. Click the (Run button) on this window.

    The following CLion project window should appear on your screen.

    The results of running the program print in the Run pane.

  15. To edit rebuild, and rerun the program, change the output string to 'Goodbye, World!' and then click the (Run icon) again. CLion will rebuild the project (which contains no errors; you will briefly see the Message Build pane as shown above), and then rerun it.

    The following CLion project window should appear on your screen.

    The results of rerunning the program appear in the Run pane.

  16. If we create a syntax error (remove the ; at the end of the cout line), CLion will highlight endl (the last token before the error), show a red squiggle under the error, and put a purple an underline at the right end of that column in the main.cpp pane (by hovering over it, an error message appears); CLion will also put a white ! surrounded by a red circle at the end of the top line in the main.cpp pane.

    The following CLion project window should appear on your screen.

    To try to rebuild and rerun this code (it will fail), click the (Run icon) again.

    The following CLion project window should appear on your screen.

    The failed results of attempting to rebuild the program appear in the Messages Build pane; here I have repositioned the separation between the mail.cpp and Message Build panes to show the entire program and all the errors allow all errors to appear.

We will now continue by learning how to download a CLion project and run it. During the quarter, you will be asked to do this for all programming assignments and many quizzes.

Section 3) Testing Downloadable CLion Projects with the Course Libraries

In this section you will learn more about CLion, by downloading the course libraries and then downloading/building/running a CLion project that contains various programs that use these libraries.

  1. Create a new shortcut and place it on your desktop in an easy to see position.
    1. In a Terminal window, copy/paste the following command defaults write AppleShowAllFiles YES and then execute it; terminate the Terminal window. To undo this command, copy/paste/execute defaults write AppleShowAllFiles NO.
    2. Using the Finder, make an alias to the folder Macintosh HD/Users/yourname/ClionProjects and rename the alias ClionProjects.
  2. Download and unzip the file template; Copy its three folders (courselib, gtestlib, and test_all_data_types) into the folder ClionProjects shortcuts; it should already contain the trivialtest folder, created by the operations above.

    Generally, whenever you download CLion projects, you will unzip them and then copy their folders into the folder that ClionProjects shortcuts.

  3. Click the File tab near the upper-left corner of the CLion toolbar; then click the Open option in the pull-down menu.

    The following pop-up window should appear on your screen.

    You may need to scroll this window to select the CLionProjects folder to make it appear as shown above. The Users folder should contain a folder with your name (richardepattis for me); it should contain a folder with the ClionProjects folder; it should contain the four folders courselib, gtestlib, test_all_data_types, and trivialtest.

    Click on the test_all_data_types folder, so that it is highlighted.

  4. Click the OK button on this window.

    The following Open Project window should appear on your screen.

  5. Click the This Window button on this window. (clicking New Window creates a second project window, which is sometimes useful)

    The following CLion project window should appear on your screen.

  6. Scroll downward, select lines 30-35, and press command-/, which uncomments the chosen lines.

    The following CLion project window should appear on your screen.

    If you press command-/ again, it will comment the lines; so this command really means toggle-comment on the selected lines. Before continuing ensure lines 30-35 are uncommented.

  7. Click the (Run icon) on this window.

    The following CLion project window should appear on your screen.

    First it will show the Message Build pane; it should be successful, so it should next show the Run pane.

    Experiment with this driver by entering commands (and their arguments, when prompted) to better understand the set data type. You can enter the q command to terminate the driver, or you can click the (Stop icon) on the left of the Run pane to terminate the driver. After terminating the driver, click the (Close icon) left of the Run pane to close/remove the Run pane.

    I suggest that you try terminating the driver with a q command; then, rerun the program and terminate it with the Stop icon.

  8. We briefly noted the cmake-build-debug folder; now we will examine it in more detail, but via an Finder window, not via CLion. Click on the ClionProjects shortcut to open a Finder window, then double-click its test_all_data_types folder, and finally double-click its cmake-build-debug folder.

    The following Finder window should appear on your screen.

    Whenever you create a project, a cmake-build-debug folder will appear in its project folder. We have built two projects in this handout: test_all_data_types and trivialtest; each has its own cmake-build-debug folder.

  9. Double-click the file test_all_data_types to run this program in Windows, outside of CLion. The following Terminal window should appear on your screen.

    Experiment with this driver by entering commands (and their arguments, when prompted); it runs as it did in the CLion Run Pane. Note that when you enter the q command the program terminates and the Terminal window stops. For example, if you find the trivialtest.exe file and run it by double-clicking this file, its MS-DOS windo will run and then immediately disappear.

    For a program that produces lots of output it is often faster to run the program in a Terminal window, rather than in CLion.

  10. Find the input files folder in the test_all_data_types folder and copy all of its .txt data files into the cmake-build-debug folder that contains the test_all_data_types file.

    Then, run the program (either in the CLion Run pane or a Terminal window; try doing it in both places) and issue the lf command (load from file); when prompted for the file name, just press the Enter key to choose the default (loadset.txt).

    When running using the CLion Run pane, the following CLion project window should appear on your screen.

    IMPORTANT: If a program reads data files, the root folder for the specifying the files is the folder in which the executable file appears. It is simplest to copy all the data files into this folder. An alternative would be to leave the files in the input files folder, copy the entire folder, and then refer to these file names like input files/loadset.txt.

  11. A typical project folder may have more than one .cpp file with a main function (as test_all_data_types has). Only one of these .cpp files can have its main function uncommented, otherwise the build will fail. When working on project, it is typical to
    1. Comment-out code in one .cpp file.
    2. Uncomment code in another .cpp file.
    3. Rebuild/Rerun the newly uncommented .cpp file.

    In the test_all_data_types project folder, the driver.cpp file has many main functions: we uncommented one (in step 6) to allow us to run the Set driver. If more than one main function is uncommented, attempting to build the code will result in the compiler specifying a redefinition of 'main' error.

    The test_all_data_types project folder also contains many .cpp files (their names all start with test) that each contain one main function (each is a Googletest for one data type). If more than one file contains a main function, attempting to build the code will result in the linker specifying a multiple definition of 'main' error.

    To switch this project from running the Set driver to the Set Googletest

    1. Comment-out lines 30-35 in the driver.cpp file: select them and type the command-/ command to toggle the commenting on the selected lines (comment them).
    2. Scroll down the Project Pane (on the left) and double-click the test_set.cpp file so that it appears as an editor tab.
    3. Type the command-a command to select all the lines in this file.
    4. Type the command-/ command to toggle the commenting on the selected lines (uncomment them).

    Click the (Run icon). When prompted enter the three lines of information shown.

    The following CLion project window should appear on your screen.

    The bottom should show

We are now at the end of this handout. You will not need to repeat the first two sections during the course, but you will frequently download project folders and use them as demonstrated in section 3.

Several C/C++ integrated development environments, such as CLion, VS Code, Codeblocks, etc, are available on the internet. But, if you are someone who loves to use JetBrains products, then CLion is for you. It is an IDE developed by JetBrains to run C/C++ programs. If you want to install CLion on your computer, then stick with me in this article. I guarantee you that CLion will be installed on your computer at the end of this article without any errors. Enough talks! Let’s get started :

Follow the below steps to install and set up CLion for C/C++ programming:

  1. First of all, you need to download the MinGW compiler to compile your C/C++ programs.
  2. Click here to download the MinGW compiler.

3. Install the MinGW compiler.

4. Now, add MinGW to the path by navigating to This PC→C:/→Program Files (x86)→MinGW-w64→i686-8.1.0-POSIX-dwarf-rt_v6-rev0→mingw32→bin.

Copy and paste the path in the environment variables. Right-click on This PC→Properties→Advanced System Settings→Environment variables.

5. Click on the path and then Edit→New. Paste the copied path here and click ‘ok.’

6. Click here to download the CLion IDE.

7. Install the .exe file, as shown in the below animation. Do not forget to check all the checkboxes shown in the below animation:


8. Reboot your computer at the time of installation, or you can reboot it later by clicking on “I want to manually reboot later.”

Clion Eap

9. After rebooting your computer, type “CLion” on the Windows search bar and open the CLion IDE.

10. Click on “Do not import settings.”

11. If you have a license server or activation code, then you can easily activate it by entering them. Otherwise, you can use use the trial version(free for 30 days).

12. Click on evaluate for free. Enter your email address if you want to subscribe to the CLion newsletter.

13. Click on the “Evaluate” button.

14. Now, create a new project by clicking on the “Create New Project” button and click on “C Executable.”

15. Enter the name and the location of the project and then click on the “Create” button

Now you are all set to run C programs on CLion IDE without any interruptions. Let’s try to run a simple c program to check if everything is working correctly or not.


As you can see in the above animation, the C program is running perfectly. So, that’s how you can set up and run a C program in CLion IDE with ease. If you want to learn C programming in detail with notes for free, click here to watch my C programming tutorial.

Clion Docker


Clion Vs Visual Studio

maz032 months, 3 weeks ago
Sir will I be able to create Pc and Mobile apps after your C and C++ course? Also sir please make a course on game development, but not using softwares like Unity, Unreal, Cry or any other, but using frameworks like Ursina Engine where our code is our game.

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